Water Sustainability Fund Reports

Application Number Project Name Sponsor Status Reports Close Out Report
4116 Omaha CSO Program City of Omaha Available Not available
4117 Aquifer Storage and Restoration/Nitrate and Uranium Control Hastings Utilities Available Available
4118 Estimating Recharge towards Sustainable Groundwater and Agriculture CPNRD Available Available
4119 NPNRD Groundwater Retirement program NPNRD Available Available
4121 Western Water Use Management Model Update SPNRD Available Available
4122 Lower Elkhorn Water and Soil Conservation Program LENRD Available Available
4124 Groundwater Management program review for Water Sustainability CPNRD Available Available
4125 Secondary Bedrock Aquifer Reconnaissance Sampling/Age Dating ENWRA Available Available
4126 Platte and Elkhorn River Valley Integrated Water Monitoring P-MNRD Available Available
4132 Lower Platte South NRD Aquifer Framework Mapping LPSNRD Available Available
4133 Aerial Electromagnetic Survey of the Bazile Groundwater Management Area UENRD Available Available
4135 Groundwater Management for Mid-Summer Declines LPNNRD Available Available
4140 P-MRNRD Sarpy County Aquifer Mapping P-MNRD Available Available
4141 Lower Elkhorn NRD - Aquifer Framework Mapping LENRD Available Available
4142 Lower Platte North NRD - Aquifer Framework Mapping LPNNRD Available Available
4143 Lewis and Clark Aero Electromagnetics Aquifer Mapping L&CNRD Available Available
4144 Lower Loup NRD - Aquifer Mapping LLNRD Available Available
4146 Instream Weir Stabilization/Recharge Pilot Project LBNRD Available Available
4147 Low-head Embankment Stabilization/Recharge Pilot Project LBNRD Available Available
4148 Omaha CSO Program City of Omaha Available Not available
4151 Lower Platte River Drought Contingency Plan LPSNRD Available Not available
4152 Lincoln Water System Drought Resiliency and Flood Protection Lincoln Water Available Not available
4159 Middle Republican NRD High Tech Irrigation Implementation MRNRD Available Available
4160 Mitchell Wastewater Improvements - 2016 Mitchell Available Complete, no report filed.
4162 Repurposing of Pokorny Dam Village of Howells Village of Howells Available Available
4164 GeoCloud and Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Data Integration LPSNRD Available Available
4170 F C I D Storage Enhancement and Retiming Project FCID Available Available
4177 West Branch Papillion Creek Structures WP 6 & WP 7 PMRNRD Available Available
5178 Omaha CSO Program City of Omaha Available Not available
5181 LRNRD Platte Republican Diversion LRNRD Available Not available
5184 URNRD Groundwater Modeling Project URNRD Available Available
5187 Nebraska Bostwick Storage Enhancement and Retiming Project Bostwick Available Available
5188 CPNRD Modeling Nitrate Transport in the Vadose Zone CPNRD Available Complete, no report filed.
5189 ENWRA Eastern Nebraska Aquifer Framework Mapping ENWRA Available Available
5192 UNL Quantifying the Impact of Eastern Redcedar Encroachment on Recharge in the Nebraska Sandhills UNL Available Available
5193 PMRNRD GeoScene 3D aquifer characterization of Western Sarpy County PMRNRD Available Available
5195 LLNRD Columbus Area Recharge Project LLNRD Available Available
5196 CPNRD Drought Management Plan and Local Drought Monitor CPNRD Available Not available
5197 LBNRD Oxbow Reconnections for Groundwater Recharge LBNRD Available Available
5198 NPPD River Flow Augmentation Delivery Structures NPPD Available Available
5201 LPNNRD Wahoo Creek Detention Sites 26 and 27 LPNNRD Available Available
5205 Omaha CSO Program City of Omaha Available Not available
5206 LLNRD Aquifer Mapping Project LLNRD Available Available
5209 LLNRD Cover Crop Water Use Study LLNRD Available Available
5213 FCID Phase 2 Rubicon FCID Available Available
5214 CPNRD Conceptual Multi-use Dam Design CPNRD Available Available
5217 Papio NRD's WP-1 Structure PMRNRD Available Not Available
5218 SPNRD WWUM Update & Extension SPNRD Available Available
5220 MRNRD Phase 2 High Tech Irr Implementation Project MRNRD Available Not Available
5221 URNRD Remote Monitoring URNRD Available Not Available
5222 URNRD Soil Moisture Probe Program URNRD Available Available
5238 P-MNRD AEM Survey PMRNRD Available Available
5241 UBBNRD Allocation Software UBBNRD Available Available
5242 TPNRD Data Collection & Modeling TPNRD Available Available
5243 LENRD Groundwater Model LENRD Available Available &
Drought Mgt Plan
5244 LLNRD Drought Management Plan LLNRD Available Available &
Drought Mgt Plan
5246 Omaha CSO Program City of Omaha Available Not Available
5247 West Point Levee Improvement West Point Available Not Available
5249 MRNRD Hydrogeologic Mapping MRNRD Available Not Available
5252 Blair WAter Supply Resiliency Blair Available Not Available
5253 Deadmans Run Flood Reduction - LPSNRD LPSNRD Available Not Available
5255 NEMAHA NRD AEM Mapping NNRD Available Complete, no report filed.
5256 Platte Center Water Quality Improvement Platte Center Available Available
5269 NPPD's SP Supply CAnal Restoration NPPD Available Not Available
5283 WWUM Dashboard App WWUM Available Not Available
5301 URNRD Soil Moisture Probe URNRD Available Not Available
5303 Papio & LPN Nrd's 3D AEM Framework Papio/LPNNRD Available Available
5304 TPNRD Aquifer Monitoring TPNRD Available Available
5306 Peru Water Supply City of Peru Available Not Available
5308 Omaha CSO Program City of Omaha Available Not Available
5309 Omaha CSO Program 2021 City of Omaha Available Not Available
5311 LPSNRD 3-D Hydrologic Framework LPSNRD Available Available
5312 ENWRA GW Recharge Mapping LPSNRD/ENWRA Available Not Available
5313 LLNRD Nance County Aquifer Mapping LLNRD Available Available
5315 MRNRD Map & Model for Water Balance MRNRD Available Not Available
5316 Papio's IMP GW Quantity Monitoring Papio NRD Available Not Available
5317 CNPP&ID Elwood Siphon CNPPID Available Not Available
5319 TPNRD Data Collection & Modeling - Phase 2 TPNRD Available Available
5321 Lincoln Water Supply Arsenic Study LWS Available Not Available
5322 UBBNRD Nitrate Accumulation Study UBBNRD Available Not Available
5323 MNNRD Bone & Lone Pine Watershed Improvement MNNRD Available Not Available
10008 WWUM Public Outreach Educational Portal and Modeling Update WWUM Available Not Available
10012 Little Blue NRD hydrogeologic Assessment LBNRD Available Available
10013 Little Indian Creek Watershed Flood Prevention and Operations WFPO LBBNRD Available Not Available
10014 Developing a Truly Sustainable Solution to Nitrate Contamination in the Drinking Water Supply throughout Lower Platte North NRD LPNNRD Available Not Available
10015 Nemaha Natural Resources District NNRD Airborne Electromagnetic AEM Mapping NNRD Available Available
10018 Village of Penderion Exchange Media Vessel Refurbishment Pender Available Available
10020 Lower Loup NRD Buffalo County Area Groundwater Model LLNRD Available Not Available
10023 Sargent Flood Resiliency Project LLNRD Available Not Available
10035 CKRWP Source Solution and System Upgrades L&CNRD Available Not Available
10036 Lower Big Blue NRD Airborne Electromagnetic Hydrogeologic Mapping LBBNRD Available Available
10037 Omaha CSO Program City of Omaha Available Not Available
10041 UNWNRD Groundwater Model Update UNWNRD Available Not Available
10056 West Branch Papillion Creek Detention Structures 2 & 4 PMNRD Available Not Available
10059 Robotic Camera Inspection System NPPD Available Not Available
10061 LBBNRD AEM2 LBBNRD Available Not Available
10064 LLNRD/LPNNRD Nitrates Legacy Assessment LLNRD Available Not Available
10066 LBNRD Public Water Project LBNRD Available Not Available
10070 Lower Platte Basin Sub Regional GW Model PMNRD Available Not Available
10073 MUD Water Conservation & Peak Demand Management MUD Available Not Available
10077 Producer Connect Nitrogen Water Management Tool NARD Available Not Available
10079 Bow Creek Watershed Project LCNRD Available Not Available
10081 Omaha's CSO City of Omaha Not Available Not Available
10082 Lake Babcock Evaluation Loup Power District Not Available Not Available
10083 NPPD Bypass NPPD Not Available Not Available
10084 Red Cloud Dam Rehab City of Red Cloud Not Available Not Available
10086 Remote Read Meters West Knox Co Not Available Not Available
10087 GW Sustainability Study UBBNRD Not Available Not Available
1088 LBBNRD AEM 3 LBBNRD Not Available Not Available
10091 Burr Cook Paleovalley NNRD Not Available Not Available
10093 LNNRD Water Use Reduction LNNRD Not Available Not Available
10095 Santee Water Infrastructure Santee Sioux Nation Not Available Not Available